Litzelberg Chapel – Sasbach
Pilgrimige chapel
St Michael’s cath. Church – Vogtsburg -Niederrotweil
This church is among the Breisgau´s oldest ones. It contains many treasures: the paintings, the altar, the organ (1758)
Suggestion : St Pantaleon’s Chapel
Pasture of Schelingen - Vogtsburg-Schelingen
Remarkable and various flora. Guided tours: see program of the Kaiserstuhl nature center. Access through the “Katharinenpfad” path or from Oberbergen (follow the indications).
St. Roman’s church – Alt-Vogtsburg
Very harmonious church.
mountain church – Bahlingen
Early protestant church; with an old tower.
Mountain church – Nimburg
Some of the old church’s elements (10th century) are still conserved in the choir and the sacristy.
Suggestion : St Stephan’s Catholic Church
St Vitus’ Chapel – Ihringen- Wasenweiler
Beautiful frescoes from the 15th Century; small tabernacle in the choir. Visits: 0049-7668-5058.
Protestant Church – Ihringen
Gorgeous windows by V. Feuerstein. Visits and guided tours: 0049-7668-9343 ; open all the day.
St Stephen’s Cathedral – Breisach
Thanks to the frescoes by M. Schongauer and the altar in the cathedral but also to the nice historical town center, this small town on the Rhine is one of the Breisgau’s most interesting places. Information and guided tours: Tourist-Info (market place).
St. Michael’s Church – Breisach-Gündlingen
Interesting chapel with a beautiful altar from the Renaissance.
St. Remigius’ catholic Church – Merdingen
One of the region’s most beautiful churches thanks to its baroque decorations, paintings and statues.
St. Bartholomew’s Chapel - FR-Opfingen-St. Nikolaus
The small chapel was completed in 1986 and is the successor to the old chapel of St. Bartholomew (1347) that once the moated castle (mid-14th century.) - Private property - belonged.
Erentrudi’s Chapel – Freiburg-Munzingen
The chapel is the landmark of the Tuniberg Mountain. The history of the pilgrimage chapel goes back till 1000.
The chapel was equipped in 1748 with a relic of the holy Erentrudis and was formerly used as Hermitage.