Ruins of the Sponeck castle – Sasbach-Jechtingen
This medieval castle is a private property. The garden is open all the day and can be visited. Open doors days: 1st of May, 2nd Sunday of September.
Leiselheim Chair – Sasbach-Leiselheim
At this place, Otto III, who became later Emperor (“der Kaiserstuhl” = “the Emperor’s chair”), is supposed to have hold a court day. This chair may be photographed.
Ruins of the castle – Vogtsburg-Burkheim
The small town of Vogtsburg, thanks to his baroque city gate, his old castle, his numerous historical houses and his church, is one of the Kaiserstuhl’s most beautiful places.
Suggestions : Corkscrew museum, gardens of Burkheim,
Kaiserstuhl viticulture museum – Vogtsburg-Achkarren
Information about wine, viticulture but also geology and landscapes (Opening hours: 0049 7662-68940) Tipp: Ölmühle Fessinger, Herstellung kaltgepresster Öle mit Saaten aus der Region. Führungen /Besichtigungen auf Anfrage (07662-947287)
City gate and gatekeeper’s house – Endingen
Interesting small town with medieval historic center, baroque church etc.
Suggestions : Further Austria museum (occidental Austrian territories), Cheese museum St Catherine’s chapel
Cherry museum - Endingen-Königsschaffhausen
This museum presents the different cultivation techniques and uses of the cherry.
Castle – Former provost house - Endingen-Kiechlinsbergen
This house is known as the region’s biggest manor house. The castle is a private property.
messmer foundation – Riegel
Interesting art exhibitions in a beautiful neo-baroque building. Tipp: Michaelskapelle, Römisches Mithräum (Freilichtmuseum)
Suggestions: Roman mithraeum (open air museum)
Water tower– Eichstetten
This romantic-looking water tower may be the topic of a nice photo.
Automobile museum - Bötzingen
25 old cars and motorcycles are exhibited in this small museum. Open from April to October (2.00-4.30 p.m.). Free admission.
Suggestion : village museum in Oberschaffhausen
Observatory – March
Observation of the stars, at the beginning of the night every 1st day of the month. Additional meetings when an exceptional astronomic event occurs.
Collective houses „Hügelhäuser“ (« hill-houses ») - Freiburg-Tiengen
These curious buildings are especially recommended for people interested in architecture.
Attila’s Rocks– Breisach-Niederrimsingen
This place became famous thanks to a joke pretending that the king of the Huns had been buried here.
Schneeburg (Snow castle) – Ebringen
Historic town center and cathedral. Information at the Tourist-Info (Town Hall Square in Freiburg)